

发布时间: 2012-08-07 17:44:14 作者: yuan













  Congratulations to the GB government, we are so proud for u that u have conducted so perfect an Olympic Game for us. this is a fancy and exclusive game and we r so appreciated for all the efforts that GB have done for it.

  The game itself have well explained "one world, different suspicions" as the realistic theme of the Olympic Games, showed us the patriotic complex of Britons that repelling all other none-white nations, also it teaches us the true meaning of freedom and democracy: some people have the right of making suspicions,rumours and slanders, whiles the others have the inborn right of keeping silent.

  This Games also perfectly explained the Spirit of the Olympic, though there are some negative competition by certain few athletes in the Games,while what's more precious and important is, our umpires are so strong, so aggreesive and so combatant that together with Olympic official, they defeat all other players in competition terrain and put all the medals under their control firmly. Here, again let me express my respection to these umpires and official.

  2012 Olympic will be remembered forever by the world, London bacomes famous because of the Games, and the Games is so special because of London. Olympic is brilliant because it is so unpredictable, just as the logo of the Olympic Games, u can know it is a man in the left, but u can never know it is a man or a women in the right. Also, at this moment, let me thanks for the wonderful perform of the Queen and 007(Mr. Bond) in the opening ceremony of the Games.

  Also the mascot of London will be remembered forever by the world too: view the world by one eye. it have clearly clarified that we don't need the different world viewd by "the another eye", our world is sole not multivariate as we thought before.

  At last, lets cheers for London Olympic Games and lets enjoy this sleepless night for London.

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