

发布时间: 2010-08-13 14:38:08 作者: kind887

读书人报检员频道 报检员资格考试专业网站 http://www.reader8.com/exam/baojianyuan/

塑料纺织袋装,包装完好。Packed in P.P.Wovenbags Packing Sound.
木箱装,箱装完整 Packed in Wooden Case.Packing Intact
纸箱装,箱装完好 Packed in Cartons Packing Sound
托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好 Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single Polymembrane Inside.Packing Sound.
双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好。 Packed imply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally.Packing Sound.
原产加厚聚乙烯袋装,每袋净重25公斤,集装箱运 2Skgs Net Originally Manufactured Heavy Duty Polyethylene Bag.Shipped in Container.
托盘装,包装良好。Packed on Pallets,Packing Sound.
卷筒装,包装良好。Rolled on Tubes。Packing Sound.
编织包包装,包装完好. Packed in wovenbales.Packing Sound.
木箱包装,6.0mm×430mm规格中,除1箱装3卷外,其余为8卷装,695mm×300mm规格为6卷装,箱内用塑料薄膜包裹,每卷再用塑料薄膜包裹。 Packed in Wooden Case,for Specification 6.0mm×430mm,except One Case Packed with Three Reels.All were Packed with Eight Reels Respectively;for Specification 6.5mm×300mm, Every Case was Packed with Six Reels.The inner Reels were Wrapped with a Poly-mumbrane and Each Reel was wrapped with a Poly-membrane Again.
双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好。 Packed in 2 Ply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally Packing Sound.
麻袋装,包装完好。Packed in Gunny Bales Packing Sound.
集装箱装运,箱号***,集装箱外观完整,箱号清晰,封识完好。货物纸箱包装,包装完好。 Shipped with Container No.*** with Intact Appearance,Clear Number And Sound Sealing.The Goods Were Packed in Cartons and Packing Sound.
木托盘装,外扎四道铁箍,包装完好。Packed on Wooden Pallet Bound with Four Iron Belts Externally and Packing Sound
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